INDEPENDENT FILM NFTs — become a film investor

113kw Kristina Weiserová
6 min readJan 14, 2023


ROOTS IN EGO movie project

I want to talk to you about the importance of supporting independent filmmakers and the future of digital ownership. The “ROOTS IN EGO” NFT collection on OpenSea, offers fans and collectors the unique opportunity to own a piece of cinematic history and to support the upcoming film project of the author 113kw.

By purchasing an NFT from this collection, you are not only investing in a piece of art or entertainment, but you’re also investing in the future of digital ownership and the technology that powers it. NFTs are changing the game in the world of art and entertainment.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO

“ROOTS IN EGO” is a 35-minute, cinema-quality short film that explores the question of where does evil comes from - in people. The film delves into the intersection of parties, drugs, and philosophy, and offers a thought-provoking commentary on the society we live in today. The film was written, directed, produced, and distributed by 113kw (Kristina Weiserova) who worked on it since 2012 until 2016 and held its public premiere in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe, as well as over 20 screenings between 2017 and 2020. These screenings were indoor and outdoor, accompanied by music events, art exhibitions, and conferences. In addition to the Czech Republic, the film also had a showing at a movie festival in Perth, Western Australia.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO

The “ROOTS IN EGO” NFT collection is a natural extension of the film, providing fans and collectors the opportunity to own a piece of the film’s legacy and to support the author’s next project. By purchasing an NFT from this collection, fans not only own a unique and limited-edition collectible but also directly support independent filmmaking and the development of 113kw’s next film project. The NFTs in this collection include video teasers from the movie “ROOTS IN EGO” which gives token holders a glimpse into the world of the film and the thought-provoking themes it explores.

behind the scenes photo from shooting the movie ROOTS IN EGO in 2012

As a token holder, you will have access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content, updates on the new project’s development, and will be recognized as an official supporter of the author and their work. The NFTs are available on Opensea, Coinbase, Rarible, Looksrare and Gem , ensuring the authenticity and rarity of each NFT. Each NFT is unique and one-of-a-kind, making it a valuable addition to any collection.

113kw directing the actors before shooting a scene, 2012

The use of NFTs in the world of filmmaking is an exciting development, as it provides a new revenue stream for independent filmmakers and allows fans to directly support the creators of their favorite films. It also showcases the potential of NFTs and blockchain technology in the entertainment industry. By using smart contracts, creators can ensure the authenticity and rarity of their digital assets, providing a new level of security for collectors.

promo photo for the movie ROOTS IN EGO with party performers and actor

In conclusion, the “ROOTS IN EGO” NFT collection on OpenSea is a prime example of the potential of NFTs in the entertainment industry and how it can support independent filmmaking. It gives fans the opportunity to own a piece of cinematic history and directly support the author’s next film project while being a part of the metaverse and web3 community. Highly recommend checking out the collection and considering purchasing an NFT as it’s a great way to support independent filmmakers and be a part of the future of digital ownership. You can also go and watch the movie in metaverse cinema in Cryptovoxels .

metaverse cinema, where you can watch the ROOTS in EGO movie

Furthermore, it’s important to note that the NFT collection is also an opportunity for the author 113kw to have a new revenue stream that could help to fund the production and distribution of their next film project. The independent film industry is highly competitive, and the traditional funding sources such as film funds or investors can be hard to come by. NFTs provide a new way for independent filmmakers to raise funds and support their projects.

113kw author and the audience, photos are from the public premiere of the movie ROOTS IN EGO in 2017

Additionally, the “ROOTS IN EGO” NFT collection is also a way for fans to have a tangible connection with the film and the author’s work. It allows them to be a part of the creative process and to have a unique and rare piece of art that can increase in value over time.

In the age of digital content, NFTs provide a way to prove ownership and authenticity of digital assets, which is especially important in the entertainment industry. With the increasing popularity of NFTs, it’s likely that more creators will start using them as a means to fund their projects and provide new revenue streams. NFT collection is a great example of how NFTs can be used to support independent filmmaking and provide new revenue streams for creators.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO

The “ROOTS IN EGO” film is a thought-provoking drama comedy 35 minutes long film, starring multiple famous czech actors. It’s a unique and bold approach to tackling a complex and relevant topic, and it’s not just a film but also a artwork that explores the human psyche. The film offers a commentary on the impact of the party culture, drugs, and the fast-paced lifestyle on our well-being and morality. The script was written with inspiration from the people around 113kw at the time, as well as from philosopher Paul Brunton.

The unique aspect of “ROOTS IN EGO” film, which showcases the work of local artists and brands from Prague. The film features an eclectic soundtrack from local musicians, clothing from up-and-coming local clothing brands, and art and decorations from alternative artists and brands from the city. This approach not only supports the local creative community but also adds a sense of authenticity and cultural relevance to the film. The film is a true representation of the city’s vibrant and diverse creative scene. This attention to detail and support for local talent sets “ROOTS IN EGO” apart from other independent films, and it is something worth highlighting.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO

The film’s style is aggresive and quick, story line quickly melts into phantasies, and the film is providing a thought-provoking, yet entertaining, experience for the viewer. The film received positive feedback from audiences and critics alike, and was praised for its unique and bold approach to tackling a complex and relevant topic.

The film’s website,, is also an extension of the film and provides additional information about the film and its production. You can also follow the film on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO

If you like to supporting the hustle, that’s what this NFT collection is all about. It’s about supporting independent filmmaker 113kw and the future of digital ownership. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of cinematic history, support independent filmmaking and be a part of the metaverse and web3 community. Visit the “ROOTS IN EGO” NFT collection on OpenSea and purchase your NFT today. It’s a smart investment choice for anyone looking to support independent filmmakers and the future of digital ownership.

still frame from the movie ROOTS IN EGO



113kw Kristina Weiserová

NFT scientist, writer, director • BTC • NFT• audiovisual creator • event manager • journalist • art history •